In modern IT systems expired certificates continue to be a cause for major outages. In this article, I will present a simple solution to properly handle the problem on a service level using proven monitoring and alerting tools.
Why do we need expiring certificates and why do we need to monitor them?
Transport layer security (TLS) – which is the basis for HTTPS – is probably the most prominent representation for certificate based encryption. Encryption on application level is just another example of its use cases. An important feature of the security mechanism of certificate based encryption is that the certificates have an expiration date and are considered as invalid after that. Therefore, they need to be renewed before expiry. Read here why the expiration is important. At the same time, the principle of expiration repeatedly causes problems in computer systems all over the world:
- In 2020 an expired certificate at Spotify resulted in the music streaming service to be down
- Also Microsoft had problems with certificate expiration resulting in their service Microsoft Teams to be down
- Even a part of the German payment sector was disturbed by an expired certificate
What can we do to prevent the expiration of our certificates?
The best solution to prevent outages from certificate expiry is to have an automation that renews the certificates on its own. And indeed there are multiple providers for automated certificate renewal. E.g. in a kubernetes cluster a cert-manager monitors and renews certificates.
But of course real life projects are often far away from being ideal. It occurs in many companies that you have to deal with certificates that can for various reasons not be automatically renewed. Just to give two examples that from projects I have worked in:
- A customer has regulatory reasons why he is not allowed to use automated certificate generation
- You are writing an application that communicates with an external service from a different company. This company insists that your application is sending a client certificate signed by them (which of course is not happening in an automated way).
If we cannot renew our certificates automatically, we have to do it manually. Therefore, we need to keep track of the date when the certificate expires to exchange it in time.
How the tracking is usually implemented
Here are some examples of certificate expiration monitoring solutions I have come across so far, and why they are no long term solution
A page in the service documentation that keeps track of all used certificates
This approach is very error-prone, because people forget to look at the page and don’t see the expiration data at all. On top of that, you can never be sure, that the content of the page is really true. People forget to update the page after adding a new certificate or even update the page, but do a mistake by updating the certificate in the service.
Reminders in a calendar or a ticket system
There is always the danger that a configured reminder is missed. A configured receiver may be ill or left the company. Maybe the message disappears in a huge ticket backlog or in a mass of sent mails. Even if a reminder is seen it can be understood wrongly.
A certificate management system
This is a more advanced solution, which still comes with some pitfalls. Such a system will probably notify about a certificate that is about to expire. Then the certificate will be renewed inside the management system and be forwarded to a service using it. But one can never be sure, that a certificate really has been updated in all services. Also people may update the certificate in the management system, but forget to update the services at all. In both cases the management system will display the certificate as renewed, even though the certificate used in the service is about to expire.
A service level based approach
All the bad examples above have one thing in common: They are not monitoring the certificate that is actually used, but a local representation of it. And as we have seen there is no guarantee that a local representation of a certificate really corresponds to the certificate that is used by a running service. A solution that is much more resilient against human errors has to be based on the following:
The only instance that should give information about the validity of a certificate is the service using it.
And implementing a solution based on this thought is not a big deal. If a service depends on a certificate, it has to have access to it in some way and therefore can also access its expiration date. A continuous monitoring of applications should be implemented in every enterprise-grade software. Combining this, we can make our application communicate to the monitoring tools which certificates it is using and when these will expire.
Example for JVM services using Micrometer, Prometheus and Grafana
The repository expiration-monitoring contains a JVM library that can be used in any JVM service to monitor the validity of any kind of expiring artifact. The expiration dates are exposed via Micrometer in the service metrics. These can then be picked up by Prometheus and be displayed by Grafana.

Once exposed, It is easily possible to implement alerting in Prometheus or Grafana based on these metrics. Having the metrics displayed in Grafana makes the expiration as visible as possible to the whole team.
We have seen why certificate expiration and its monitoring is important and furthermore that it is dangerous if this monitoring is based on human surveillance.
How does your certificate monitoring setup look like and did you have downtimes because of expired certificates before? If yes, you may want to reevaluate your setup and investigate if you are really monitoring the instance of the certificate that is used by your service and no local representation of it.