
Software Development Beyond Hard-Coded Workflow Orchestration

Software Development Beyond Hard-Coded Workflow Orchestration

In today’s fast-evolving digital landscape, software isn’t just a collection of functions performing specific tasks – in fact it’s a web of interwoven workflows that dictate how systems interact and respond to dynamic business needs. Julian and Philipp dive into the topic of workflow orchestration and their experience how software products can be improved with workflow engines such as Camunda.

Reflections on Visiting it-sa Expo&Congress

Reflections on Visiting it-sa Expo&Congress

As the threats to Information security multiply and evolve each year, our colleague Kosae wasn’t at all surprised to witness the rapid growth of the cybersecurity market at the recent it-sa. In an era where cyber attacks become more sophisticated and frequent, it’s clear that organizations are increasingly prioritizing security measures. This annual gathering showcased some of the latest advancements, strategies, and insights within the field.

AIDAQ: A Transformative Exploration of AI and Quantum Computing

AIDAQ: A Transformative Exploration of AI and Quantum Computing

Our colleague Andreas Dietrich visited the AIDAQ 2024 conference. This conference covers artificial intelligence and quantum computing. He chose the conference for his personal development and found it an efficient learning opportunity conveniently available in his hometown. On the other hand, he missed some aspects necessary to establish EU leadership in these emerging fields. What do you think?