
In praise of Kotlin. A modern programming language.

In praise of Kotlin. A modern programming language.

In the swiftly changing world of software development, the choice of programming language plays a crucial role. To emphasize this, our colleagues Lukas and Georg effectively developed a Microservice Architecture in Kotlin for one of the largest direct banks in Germany. With numerous years of expertise in Java, this project marked their most extensive exploration of Kotlin. Join them on their fascinating voyage as they explain why Kotlin proved to be a superior choice over Java.

GIT and OpenSSH with multiple identities

GIT and OpenSSH with multiple identities

Having multiple identities on a single computer, e.g.for private or work purposes respectively, can make it uncomfortable to work with Git. Our developer Markus tackled the problem and found a solution that he wants to share with the DEV community to also simplify their recurring Git interactions.

The Spring Conference in Europe: Spring I/O 2022

The Spring Conference in Europe: Spring I/O 2022

Spring gilt als eines der bedeutendsten Java-Frameworks und spielt auch bei vielen Senacor-Projekten eine gewichtige Rolle. Daher machte sich eine Gruppe von Entwicklern zur diesjährigen Spring I/O Konferenz in Barcelona auf um sich aus nächster Nähe über die neuesten Entwicklungen und Ankündigungen zu informieren. Lienard fasst ihre Erkenntnisse und Erlebnisse zusammen. Sein Fazit: Eine klare Empfehlung für Konferenzbesuche.

Comparing the Performance of Frameworks for JVM Backend Services

Comparing the Performance of Frameworks for JVM Backend Services

Realizing that an application’s performance doesn’t meet the requirements and expectations causes severe problems. One question that in such cases often arises is: Should we have chosen a different backend framework? Fabian went out to tackle this question by testing several JVM frameworks on their performance capabilities. The candidates: Spring, KTOR, Vert.x, Micronaut and Node.