Tools & Frameworks

From Freemium to Premium: Migrating from Trello to Microsoft Planner using Power Automate

From Freemium to Premium: Migrating from Trello to Microsoft Planner using Power Automate

In this article our colleague Petr explores the Microsoft Power Automate platform, offering insights for individuals seeking automation solutions. It highlights the appealing aspects and challenges associated with this low code approach, illustrated through a concrete project example – Migrating Trello boards to Microsoft Planner. The discussion aims to equip readers with a better understanding of how Power Automate can streamline processes while also addressing potential hurdles.

Dockerfiles vs. Buildpacks vs. Jib

Dockerfiles vs. Buildpacks vs. Jib

Containerization technology has become a cornerstone of modern software development but the tools and methods you choose for packaging your applications can impact your development workflow, deployment speed, and operational efficiency. In this Blogpost, we will look...

Open Source Tools for Software Supply Chain Security

Open Source Tools for Software Supply Chain Security

In this article we show how you can improve the security of your software supply chain without spending money for software licenses. For this, we present useful open-source tools for automated dependency updates, vulnerability scanning of dependencies, license scanning, SBOM generation, secret detection and scanning of infrastructure as code for vulnerabilities and misconfiguration.

In praise of Kotlin. A modern programming language.

In praise of Kotlin. A modern programming language.

In the swiftly changing world of software development, the choice of programming language plays a crucial role. To emphasize this, our colleagues Lukas and Georg effectively developed a Microservice Architecture in Kotlin for one of the largest direct banks in Germany. With numerous years of expertise in Java, this project marked their most extensive exploration of Kotlin. Join them on their fascinating voyage as they explain why Kotlin proved to be a superior choice over Java.

Mit Geoinformationen zu schnelleren Prozessen in der Energiebranche

Mit Geoinformationen zu schnelleren Prozessen in der Energiebranche

Die Nutzung von Geoinformationssystemen (GIS), so z.B. im Rahmen von Navigationsanwendungen oder Logistikdiensten, ist allgegenwärtig. Unsere Autoren stellen einen Anwendungsfall in der Energiebranche vor bei dem durch GIS der Planungsprozess für Hausanschlüsse an Strom- und Erdgasnetze standardisiert und automatisiert werden kann, was Zeit spart und Fehler reduziert.