What are our tests but a witness to the integrity of our code? Just like what takes place in a justice court when a witness swears to tell the truth, all the truth and nothing but the truth, so are we doing the same through our tests.
An introduction to asynchronous and reactive programming with Eclipse Vert.x
Building asynchronous and reactive applications with Eclipse Vertx Content Forewords 1. What is Eclipse Vert.x 2. Demonstrating the core concepts 3. Going reactive: integration with RxJava 4. Concurrent execution of authorization queries 5. Bridging the gap between...
Reaktive Architekturen mit RxJava Teil 3: Einführung in RxJava
Dies ist Teil 3 einer Blog-Serie über reaktive Architekturen mit RxJava. Einführung und Übersicht finden sich hier. Die Grundlagen Reaktiver Systeme wurden in Teil 1: Grundlagen reaktiver Systeme behandelt, während Teil 2 Programmiermodelle in Java zur asynchronen...
Let’s build a Webshop out of Micro Frontends
The idea behind Micro Frontends is to think about a website or web app as a composition of features which are owned by independent teams. Each team has a distinct area of business or mission it cares about and specialises in. A team is cross functional and develops...
Blockchain Products – Part 1: Investment
This is part one of a two-part article series on blockchain products. In this first part we will take a look at blockchain products from an investment perspective.In the second article we will take a look at the product design of blockchain products and discuss...
Should I use Kubernetes to abstract my infrastructure provider?
The current customer I'm working for gave us several requirements, including: Build a microservice platform on AWS Be able to move from AWS to Azure, bare metal or whatever within 30 days The decision has been made and now we are developing and maintaining a k8s...
Vavr – Objekt-funktionale Programmierung leichtgemacht
Funktionale Programmierung hat in den letzten Jahren eine Art zweite Blüte erlebt und ist nun auch im Mainstream angekommen. Das Open Source Projekt Vavr will die Lücken in Java 8 schließen.
Self-Contained Systems
Self-Contained Systems sind also eine Softwarearchitektur, die beschreibt, eine fachliche Domäne in einzelne Systeme zu schneiden, deren Verbund wiederum das Gesamtsystem bildet. SCSs sollten dabei verschiedene Eigenschaften erfüllen, um einen tatsächlichen Mehrwert zu bieten.
A keen introduction to DynamoDB
The last couple of weeks two colleagues of mine and myself got the opportunity to build a Facebook Chatbot. Chatbots are the perfect fit for serverless architectures.
Serverless blue green deployments and canary releases with traffic shifting
Serverless computing is a hot topic. Especially AWS Lambda is gaining traction. It is being used as the foundation of Amazon's Alexa product-line and the basis of entire web sites like A Cloud Guru. We can rapidly build and release new business value to our customers...