This article dives into the essentials and tactics for mastering automated dependency management, with a spotlight on Renovate.
Software Engineering
Strikt – An assertion library for Kotlin
When writing tests, it’s not only about whether they really correctly test your code and how much coverage they achieve. One important thing is also how much information you’ll get when there is a failing test. Ever since I am using Kotlin, I am using the combination...
Software Supply Chain Security with Google Software Delivery Shield
Our authors Pascal and Bastian investigated the Google Software Delivery Shield which is Google’s fully managed solution for software supply chain security. In this article they describe how software supply chain security can be achieved during the different steps of the software development lifecycle with the Google Software Delivery Shield.
Introduction to Software Supply Chain Security
Our author Daniel gives an introduction into Software Supply Chain Security in software development processes and highlights its importance. The article stresses how neglecting security in the software development process can lead to successful attacks, compromising users‘ data and systems. It also provides tips on achieving Software Supply Chain Security, including scanning for vulnerabilities, updating dependencies, and secret detection.
Tracing: Effective Observability for Distributed Applications in the Cloud
There are three main types of telemetry data – often referred to as pillars of observability – that are typically gathered: metrics, logs and traces. Here we focussed on tracing which enables visualizations making it possible to understand the performance characteristics of a distributed system.
In praise of Kotlin. A modern programming language.
In the swiftly changing world of software development, the choice of programming language plays a crucial role. To emphasize this, our colleagues Lukas and Georg effectively developed a Microservice Architecture in Kotlin for one of the largest direct banks in Germany. With numerous years of expertise in Java, this project marked their most extensive exploration of Kotlin. Join them on their fascinating voyage as they explain why Kotlin proved to be a superior choice over Java.
Craft Conference Budapest 2023 – Konferenz Report
Die Craft Conference in Budapest ist eine renommierte Konferenz, die sich auf das Handwerk (“craft”) der Softwareentwicklung spezialisiert. Die Craft Conf zeichnete sich durch ihre breit gefächerte Themenvielfalt und zahlreiche hochkarätige und prominente Sprecher aus. In diesem Jahr fand die Veranstaltung zwischen am 18. und 19. Mai 2023 im beeindruckenden Ambiente des alten Eisenbahnmuseums statt. Unser Kollege Patrick war vor Ort und fasst seine wichtigsten Erkenntnisse und Eindrücke zusammen.
Local Kubernetes Clusters: A Comparison for Local Development and CI
This article compares different Kubernetes frameworks and evaluates their usability. It also features a youtube video of Senior Developer Josef Brandl having a talk on this subject.
Mit Geoinformationen zu schnelleren Prozessen in der Energiebranche
Die Nutzung von Geoinformationssystemen (GIS), so z.B. im Rahmen von Navigationsanwendungen oder Logistikdiensten, ist allgegenwärtig. Unsere Autoren stellen einen Anwendungsfall in der Energiebranche vor bei dem durch GIS der Planungsprozess für Hausanschlüsse an Strom- und Erdgasnetze standardisiert und automatisiert werden kann, was Zeit spart und Fehler reduziert.
Monitoring of certificate expirations
Expiring certificates impose a continuous threat to service interruptions if they are not properly managed. In this article, Senacor Senior Developer Fabian Kohlmann presents a solution to monitor expiry dates of certificates directly inside the deployed applications using standard application monitoring frameworks.